Summer Bucket List

I am a Bucket List Expert. And I think you should be too!

What is a bucket list?

A bucket list is a number of experiences, achievements or activities that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. I like to break down these experiences by months of the year.

Why do I love a bucket list? 

My life experiences are essentially what led me to bucket lists and I absolutely love them. Bucket lists are a reminder that even though life can gets busy, to stay focused and make time for what matters most.

I invite you to join me each month and especially during the holiday season, to do less with more focus, say ‘yes’ to only the things that truly matter and make sure you are being intentional and thoughtful with your time.

How do I use a bucket list?

This is your list. Use it however you feel works best for you and your family. I love to talk to my boys about what they want to add to the bucket list and then I choose our favorites, plus the ones I know I can make happen in this season of my life and then make those our bucket list activities for the month. 

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